The kick-off meeting of NONTOX was held on June 26-27 at VTT – Technical Research Centre of Finland, in Espoo. NONTOX is a three-year project funded by European Union’s Horizon2020 research and innovation program and its Consortium is made up of 12 partners lead by the project coordinator VTT. NONTOX is one out of six new projects that are addressing innovation to boost circular economy solutions for plastics.
The NONTOX project intends to identify innovative solutions that could increase the purity as well as the quality of the plastic fraction, to improve recycling rate in order to reduce landfill and incineration and to decrease the risk of retaining hazardous substances in recycled materials. Specifically, NONTOX aims to enhance the recycling rate of plastic from WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment), ELV (End of Life Vehicles) and C&DW (Construction and Demolition Waste) streams by removing hazardous additives and upgrading the recycled streams into compounds and plastic components designed for the Circular Economy. With these actions NONTOX aims to improve the overall recyclability and valorization of these nowadays burnt or landfilled toxic residues.
IMDEA ENERGY will be responsible of the thermocatalytic conversion of non-target plastics and side streams from the new mechanical recycling processes as well as the removal and safe disposal of the hazardous substances from those streams. The expected new developments in the thermochemical conversion field will contribute to increase the recycling rate of original waste plastics avoiding land filling or incineration of those non-mechanically recyclable streams.
Event Date: Monday, July 29, 2019
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